Staying safe in smoky conditons

Holy smokes! It’s pretty smoky outside! As it begins to appear like not only will 2020 have a fire season, but given the lack of containment on these wildfires, we might be in for more than just a couple days…
It’s Not If But How You Play With Kitty

It’s really important to play with an indoor cat. Not only does it encourage bonding between person and kitty, it also is mentally stimulating for your cat and fun. It prevents boredom, restlessness, and depression and makes your kitty happy….
What?! They Can’t Eat THAT Either?

When you least expect it, you come home to find your pet has eaten something from your garbage, the coffee or kitchen table, or your child’s backpack and you aren’t sure if it’s ok or not. Some foods that are…
Kitty Litter, Toxoplasmosis & You

Toxoplasmosis. Say what?!? T. gondii is a protozoan organism that can infect all mammals, who serve as intermediate hosts. Raccoons, cats and other members of the cat family shed T. gondii in their feces, that can live for months or…