Dog Training Materials

This is where we will provide supplemental Training Booklets & Handouts for our clients. As we create these items, they will appear here. These booklets and handouts are to supplement the in-person lessons you have already had with your trainers.

Please DO NOT share this page or its links publicly.*

Passive Leadership & Recall

Building a solid relationship based on trust and respect with your dog.

Front Door Manners

Creating boundaries & establishing appropriate greeting manners.

Potty Training

Learn how to Potty Train your dog,
from puppies to adults and rescues. 


Sit & Stay Exercises

A good foundation of Sit & Stay can add impulse control to all scenarios.

Jumping Manners

Learning how to maintain
“all four on the floor”!

Leash Manners

How to hold and use a leash to help communicate with your dog.

Off-Limit Items

A guide to help your pups learn that anything you decide can be a Off-Limit Item!

ASPCA Canine Body Language Guide

Everyone should download this to begin learning how to read your dog’s body language.

Prepping for Baby

A guide to help your pups get prepared for new baby too.


Weekly Training Checklist

A great tool to help you and your family track your training and lesson progress. 


*By downloading these, I understand that any resources (handouts, videos, files, courses, passwords, images, etc.) shared with me by Frolic Pet Services are property of Frolic Pet Services and are not to be shared with anyone who is not working directly with improving my dog’s behavior.